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Spirit Talks with Sarah - What is Your Responsibility?


When we look at our own lives and we can figure out what we're responsible for and what somebody else is responsible for and allow them to be responsible for that, we have this amazing freedom that comes with up for us.

Hi everybody. Welcome to Spirit Talk. My name is Sarah Emond with Essence Healing and today I want to talk about responsibility.

The question I have for you is: "Do you know what your responsibility is?"

We have this habit of taking on responsibility for other people, right?

And when we look at our own lives and we can figure out what we're responsible for and what somebody else is responsible for...and allow them to be responsible for that, we have this amazing freedom that comes with up for us.

So let's just delve into that just a little bit. I want to give you a little bit of an example here so if you were to say to your friend, "You look great in those jeans." You're not responsible for how they respond to that.

I've done this before and had it go "Thank you so much!" and be super happy. Their response is to be excited and happy. Great! I've had other people go "Oh does that mean I looked horrible in the jeans I wear yesterday?" That was not the response that I was expecting, right?

But that's how they responded, and I wasn't responsible for that.

I was responsible for my words, my actions, my intentions,

my beliefs, the things that I do and say.

But I can't be responsible for how somebody responds to that. That's on them.

We're taught so much in our lifetime to watch what we say. You don't want to hurt somebody else's feelings. But like my examples - you could say something you think you're being nice and they can think you're being mean.

You can't be responsible for that.

What I really want to bring into this is focus over the next couple weeks, couple days. Be aware of "What am I being responsible for here? Is that really my responsibility?"

The only thing that you're responsible for is you.

If you've made a commitment, you're responsible for that.

If you are moving and saying something, you're responsible for that.

You're responsible for how YOU respond with somebody else says something to you. That's all on you.

So really dig into that over the next couple days, couple weeks. Really pay attention to what am I responsible for? Start asking yourself that question. Is this my responsibility or somebody else's?

Because hey - if it's somebody else's, just give it back to them and allow yourself the freedom of allowing them to be responsible for themselves.

If you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear from you.

If you need some help with this concept I would be more than willing to work with you. I hope you all have an amazing day and good luck out there, gods and goddesses!


- Sarah

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