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Fixing Others - Spirit Talks with Sarah


Do you realize that sometimes by fixing other people's problems, you're actually taking away their power and you're not really helping them?

Hi, I'm Sarah Emond with Essence Healing and this week I want to talk about fixing others.

This is a concept I run across a lot where somebody says, "Well you know somebody's having this do I fix it? How do I fix it for them?" It's not my problem, it's not their problem, but people want to fix things for other people.

And I understand this - we look at this as: I want to provide a service to somebody else. I want to help, right?

But do you realize that sometimes by fixing other people's problems, you're actually taking away their power and you're not really helping them?

We as human beings have these different hurdles and experiences that we've created for ourselves so we can grow.

And when you fix something for somebody else, you're not allowing them to grow. Because you're not allowing them to fix it themselves.

You are literally taking away their own inner power. And saying, "Here let me do it for you!"

The best thing you can do when somebody seems to be coming to you right and it's to complaining about something is ask the question, "What do you want here? What do you need? Do you need my help to fix this problem? Do you need advice? Do you need suggestions?”

But don't take the power of fixing it away from them. Still allow them to take the lead in fixing it.

It's okay to support people. That's okay, right? Like if somebody comes and says I need help with this - that's different than saying, "Here, you fix it for me." Feel the difference in that, right? "Hey can you give me ideas? Can you help me? This is my problem and I need to fix it."

Right? Versus "Here I have this problem why don't you fix it for me?"

They're totally not learning anything from it. They're not growing, they're not having that experience. So, stop taking on everybody else's stuff - unless that's the experience you want to have. You can do that - that's okay, but just be aware. "Am I fixing something for somebody else and how is this affecting them? Is this what I'm really supposed to do? Or am I supposed to help teach them how to fix their own problem so they can grow past this. They can learn more.”

Thanks for hanging out with me today I hope you take this concept and you really put it to play in your life.

If you have any problems or any questions or comments if you put this into awareness for you and you start stepping back and asking different questions…and you have some great results I'd love to hear from that!

Please send me an email, put a comment in the comment box here.

I'd love to hear from you guys. Have a great, great day!

- Sarah

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